Friday, September 28, 2018

tangerine questions

1. What did Paul tell Joey about the lightning striking the house in their neighborhood?
2. Describe Paul's first day at practice.  What happened when Paul played goalie?  How did Gino react?
3. What happened to Mike Costello?
4. Describe the reactions of Paul's mother, Erik, and Arthur.

september 28

Do you think there is life on another planet? What would it look like? Would its civilization be more or less advanced than ours? Use your imagination and describe in detail.

1. Journal
2. Read 180
3. Nonverbal communication
4. Read
5. Tangerine: return work & continue reading

this also happened

This photograph and the events that produced it are important.  We need to talk about how Americans tell stories and communicate in ways that lead to deeper understanding.

this happened

Seal slaps a kayaker in the face with an octopus from r/gifs

Thursday, September 27, 2018

september 27

It has been said that, "Everything old is new again." Cultural trends such as fashion and music are often recycled; what are your new/old favorites? What styles do you wish stayed in the past?

1. Journal
2. Read 180
3. Read
4. Return & discuss time portfolios
5. Tangerine

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

september 26

Imagine that you show up to school and there is no one here.  You have total access to all the school's resources, and all day to use them in any way you want, and no one to tell you what to do.  How will you use your time?  Will you find something fun, something meaningful?  Will you stay on campus or go somewhere else?  If you go somewhere else, where will you go and what will you do?  Describe your day.

1. Journal
2. Goals & how we use our time
3. Internet business & privacy
4. Read 180
5. R book/ portfolio
6. Tangerine 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

september 25

Fear is a powerful motivator. It influences advertising, politics, war and the economy. What do you fear? How/when does fear motivate or influence you?

1. Journal
2. Read 180
3. Read
4. Tangerine: return questions & continue reading

Sunday, September 23, 2018

september 24

Some students have decided to stab themselves with sharp objects in sensitive areas (tongues, faces, belly buttons). Why? What does this symbolize to you?  What do you think they intended it to symbolize?

1. Journal
2. Read 180
3. Read
4. R book

Friday, September 21, 2018

the new normal

Until we develop a better understanding of how (not) to use our phones in class, this is where they go.  No excuses, no exceptions.  Thank you.

september 21

Look around the classroom and choose a piece of furniture. Imagine that you are it! How would you see the classroom differently? Being here all day/night and on weekends, you must see some interesting things that the rest of us miss. Please share these observations with your reader.


1. Journal (***DON'T FORGET TO TURN YOURS IN***)
2. Mopping up the grading period
3. Preview of coming attractions

Thursday, September 20, 2018



Wednesday, September 19, 2018

september 20

When was the last time you convinced someone that you were right and s/he was wrong? How did you do it? Describe in detail.

1. Journal
2. Read 180
3. Finish your literature analysis (DUE TOMORROW)
4. R book corrections

POST: What did you learn today? (title: HERE'S WHAT I LEARNED TODAY)



2018_09_19_10_09_48 by dpreston1441 on Scribd

september 19

Think of something you love to do that requires skill and practice. How would you teach someone else to do it? What information and materials would the person need? What strategies would you use? Be specific.

1. Journal
2. Finish R Book Section 1 (to p.33)
3. Read 180
4. Literature analysis
5. Writers' conferences

Monday, September 17, 2018

september 18

Can a person love someone or something too much?

1. Journal
2. Writer's / progress report conferences & independent literature analysis work (continued)
3. Read 180
4. Assessment: R book

september 17

What in your life would you miss most if it were gone? This may be a person, an opportunity, a possession, a pet, or even an idea-- like your freedom. Explain your answer.
1. Journal
2. Writer's / progress report conferences
3. Prep for the week
4. Read 180
5. Assessment: R book

You should be reading/ working on your literature analysis.  Please bring your book to class every day this week.  ***DUE FRIDAY***

Friday, September 14, 2018

september 14

Describe a memorable fight scene from a book or movie. What makes this particular conflict stick out in your memory? How was it important to the story?


Change can be exciting.  Change can be hard.  In Buddhism, changes are described as "little deaths" -- i.e., when things change, the way they used to be is gone.  Describe a change in your life.  It can be major or no big deal.  It can be positive or negative.  The important thing is to describe how things became different, and how you experienced the process.

1. Journal
2. Résumé
3. Read 180 (minimum: 20 minutes)
4. Write a paragraph that summarizes what your literature analysis book is about
5. Make sure your R book work (to p.20 is finished) and your journal is complete for the week; please remember to put it in the box in the back of the room

Thursday, September 13, 2018

september 13

In many cultures there are rituals that signify when a child becomes an adult. How can you tell in our culture? By age? Getting a driver's license? Voting? Be sure to explain your answer.

1. Journal
2. Big Questions & Literature Analysis
3. Independent work/ Writer's Conferences
4. Check R book work
5. Log into Read 180

1. Post your Literature Analysis to your blog (title: LITERATURE ANALYSIS: A WORK IN PROGRESS)
2. Create a page on your blog for your Big Question (title: MY BIG QUESTION) and make sure it displays properly so your readers can see it
3. Reminder: please bring your résumé to class tomorrow (Friday)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

september 12

You are the author of an advice column, and you receive the following letter: "My girlfriend (or boyfriend) is cheating on me- what should I do?" How will you reply, and why? Be sure to give reasons for your advice.


2. Imagine Donald Trump's hair as an evil character.  Write a story in which you wake up with that hair on your head, and describe the battle of good and evil as it threatens to suck the brains right out of your head.

1. Journal
2. Résumés
3. Following up: literature analysis & R book work

First draft résumé due at beginning of class on Friday 9/14.  (NOTE: this is to be typed on paper. Handwritten copies will not be accepted.  Also: PLEASE DO NOT post your résumé anywhere online -- it contains your personal information, and you want to stay in charge of who sees it and when.)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

september 11

Which would you prefer: a minor role in a great [movie/university/team/organization] or a major role in a mediocre one? Why? Explain.

1. Journal
2. Literature analysis sign-ups HERE (due by class tomorrow 9/12)
3. Big Questions
4. De-bugging SAM / Read 180 online
5. Feedback time: grading your work in the R book

If you've ever created a résumé or a brag sheet, please bring it tomorrow.  If you've never done this, please make a list of all the accomplishments/awards/courses/volunteer experiences/jobs/skills that have ever made you proud of yourself (or you think might impress someone else), and bring that with you tomorrow.

literature analysis #1

The time is now!  Please choose a fiction book (a.k.a. a novel) that you would like to read for your first literature analysis.  Please comment to this post with your name and the book you've chosen.  If you need some help with genres, authors, or ideas, see me -- I've got a million of 'em :).  Mahalo.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

september 10

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Lo Que Dice" by Ozomatli; "Words (Between the Lines of Age)" by Neil Young]

Adults say it to toddlers all the time: "Use your words."  What do you mean, my words?  We know that fiction authors use dialogue for the purpose of indirect characterization-- as you write the story of your life each day, how do the words you choose create an impression of who you are?

1. Journal
2. Discussion & Next Steps: Literature Analysis, Résumés, & Big Questions
3. R book status

1. Post some ideas you shared and received in today's class (title: COMPARING NOTES)
2. Bring your brag sheet or résumé on Wednesday

Friday, September 7, 2018

september 7

*Being sick sucks.  Take care of your health.*

Predict the future! What do you think our school's campus will look like in 100 years? 1000 years? Describe in detail.

1. Journal
2. Finish to p. 20 in your R book
3. Update your blog (suggested post idea, sum up what you learned in class this week. Title: THE WEEK IN REVIEW
4. Prepare for next week-- choose a book to read for your literature analysis, reflect on your big question, and bring a brag sheet or resume to class

Thursday, September 6, 2018

september 6

Your friends invite you to a fancy restaurant in San Francisco-- all expenses paid! The waiter brings you a soda, calls you "sir" or "miss" and hands you a menu. With horror you realize that every dish consists of insects in different sauces! What will you do?

1. Journal
2. Review plot
3. Continue "Who's Watching You?"
3. Next steps: literature analysis & big question

1. Choose a literature analysis novel

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

september 5

First, a quick word about symbols (this is just an intro to next week's fun).

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Symbol in My Driveway" by Jack Johnson]

Describe three symbols in your life that give people a clue as to who you really are.

1. Symbols
2. Journal
3. Continue "Who's Watching You?"
4. Begin novel: Tangerine

Monday, September 3, 2018

september 4

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: radio silence]

What song do you sing when there's nothing on the radio? What thoughts do you think when it's quiet and you have the chance to think about whatever you want?

1. Journal
2. Checking in / blog audit
3. Read 180
4. Literature analysis (DUE FRIDAY 9/7)
5. Begin novel: Tangerine

thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...