Tuesday, February 19, 2019

lit circles discussion questions

What is setting of the book?
What do you think the author wants you to learn from reading this story?
How does the main character remind you of yourself, another character or someone you know?
Can you relate to the main character’s conflicts or problems?
What is the main conflict in the story?
Which character do you like the most?
Which character do you like the least?
At what point in the story did you decide if you liked it or not?
Do like the way this author writes? Why or why not?
How does the main character change throughout the story?
Explain how the title connects to the story.
Do you like the resolution? Why or why not?
What motivates the main character’s actions?
Do you think those actions are justified or wise?
If you could insert yourself in the book, what character would you be?
Is the plot well developed and believable?

What passage in the book
is the most memorable to you?
If you could interview the author, what would you want to know?

What is a character trait that you could use to describe your favorite character?
What events cause the character to change?
What actions, thoughts, dialogue or reactions from other characters support your choice?
Does the author use flashback, going back and forth between present and past?
Who is the narrator?
Are there any quotes or passages in the book that inspire you?
Are there any characters or events that remind you of another book? Explain.
Was the story predictable or surprising? Explain.
Do the characters or events connect to people or events in our world?
Were there any parts of the story that confused you?
Are there any words that confused you?
If so, can you still understand what is happening? Which words?
What page?

If you could give this chapter a title, what would it be? Explain why.
Describe what was happening and what about the passage confused you?

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thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...