Monday, April 1, 2019

game scoring

1. Please read THIS ARTICLE

2. Please comment to this post with three suggestions for scoring our game.  Support each suggestion with a reason from the article above


  1. For the scoring it should be more of how a head you are. Maybe it can be the people with the most information gets a point. We can do it this way were you are met with one optical were you are getting stuck on but you do it over and over until you beat it and you feel satisfied to get the point.

  2. I suggest that the first person to find the blog/joker/solve what ever it is that they get points and another point on how they found it or solve it. The second choice is that the pair with more information gets points for each information they have. The last suggestion is that each pair has different information that they can keep it to them self or exchange it for other information or points.


thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...